Honestly, there are so many advertisements online and on t.v. for different weight loss products that it's out of control!!! How you can you figure out which ones are the
best weight loss supplements out there? There are SO many choices!!! Anyone have one that was just incredible?
Posted at: 02:15 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
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Yesterday my nine year old once again advised me that I might want to buy "that stuff that Grandma uses to make her hair look better" to cover up all of my greys. Yet another sign in my kiddos eyes that I am SO OLD! I'm not really, and usually I don't feel it. Occasionally, though, I realize that I have no clue about a lot of stuff that's out there now. I can flip on a morning show and they'll be discussing something like
ma huang and I have absolutely no idea what that is!! A new rock group? A hair style? Actually, I looked that one up to appear a little bit smarter - it's a cone bearing shrub that contains an ancient stimulant... Impressive, right? :) Anyway, I better go do my morning stretches so I can move like I'm not so old :).
Posted at: 08:12 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
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