It's one of those overtired moments where I am feeling very clueless, needing someone to come along and remind me that once upon a time ago I was smart :)... Right now I couldn't tell you the difference between Mesothelioma doctors and plastic surgeons, or really anything that's not featured on Disney Channel or Nick Jr. Please tell me that my grown up brain will return :)
Posted at: 09:17 PM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink | |
Car work
August 30, 2009
Our van has been retired, and we downgraded to a car - trading in better gas mileage for the extra room - we'll see how that goes :)... I still have some work to do on this car though. One big thing is to get an insurance quote from a few places, to make sure we're still getting a relatively good deal. The to-do list never seems to end!!!
Posted at: 09:12 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | |
Inspections anyone?
August 30, 2009
I think I've mentioned my husband's business on here before.... He and his dad have a home inspection company, HouseCalls Home Inspection Services, and do amazing work. They perform extremely detailed inspections, and pay very close attention to the customer's happiness as well. It's been a few years that they've been licensed with the state and all, and it's been a bit of a long road in building up connections with realtors and such. The ones that they have worked with all seem to be very pleased, but getting their feet into the door of new ones is the tricky part... much harder than we initially thought. Perhaps we should have started out with a business plan consultant or something to get a more accurate picture of how things would go... Oh well, live and learn :). We're getting there now...
What do you know about bed bugs? If you're like me, not an awful lot... I though that they were something in undeveloped countries, or in long ago times, but watch the clip below for a little more up to date info:
Yikes, right?
Bed bugs can hitch a ride home with anyone, no matter how clean and neat you are. They most often come home with you from traveling. They are found in hotels at most every level of service. Unfortunately, a room can look completely clean and still be infested! Many times there will be no evidence of bugs on the mattress in low-level infestations, so even being on the lookout for them is not enough. They could be hidden anywhere in the room!! BugZip is a very inexpensive way to keep the problems at the hotel from following you home and causing tons of misery, and costing you THOUSANDS of dollars. If you end up with bed bugs in your home or building, you'll need to wash, dry and bag all your clothes and belongings from your bedroom until bed bugs are completely gone. You'll liteeally be living out of garbage bags for weeks! Using...